Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Truth Im Super Scared. - When I Grow Up

The Truth Im Super Scared. - When I Grow Up slide by tummy mountain Golden Ticket started back at the  Selling Your Soul  event in May 2011, where Tanya Geisler  found me in my aisle seat, crouched beside me, and gave me a hug and a smooch. We had seconds to connect that day, but the bond was instantaneous. We batted around the we-should-work-on-something-together conversation, and got to know each other via Skype the summer/fall of 2011. We were all set to schedule a one-day event when, ya know, boob cancer hit. I forget when I reached back out to Tanya, but I think that, although we didnt know what it was going to be called or what it was exactly going to entail, we knew Our Offering was on the table, as soon as possible. And now? 100 combined hours of Skype chatting, copywriting, Golden Goodie-getting, website-building, scheming, brainstorming, squealing, concrete walls, breakthroughs and virtual hi-fives.were here. Were live. Tickets have been sold. Trips have been booked. Profiles have been created. Welcome Videos have been filmed. Theres one more day of sales left (if the tickets last that long, and Im not scared to say outright that I hope they dont), and how do I feel? Im excited/scared, just how I like itbut the Scared is definitely very real this time. Lets say super excitedand super scared. What if Im in over my head? What if I cant rock the live calls which dont run like my usual group coaching calls? What if a whole bunch of tickets still remain at the end of our deadline? What if I actually dont like running this thing? What if Tanya and I get into a fight? What if theres terrible weather in NYC that weekend? What if something happens with our amazeballs videographer  or the space or whoever were gonna find to run the show admin-wise that day? What if this, what if that, what if what if what if. As you can see, this is something that can quickly spiral out of control. A lot of times, the Vampire Voices (if youre new around these parts, thats what I call the voices we have in our head that sucks the good stuff right out of us) take over and tell us what wont work, whatll backfire, whatll break. Instead, I try to think What if all 30 Golden Tickets are claimed by the exact right, this-was-made-for-them Golden Goddesses? What if the live calls go so smoothly and everyone gets so much out of them that I restructure my group coaching to be more like these calls? What if you and Tanya keep treating each other honestly, respectfully, and kindly? (Youre already doing it) What if Golden Ticket is exactly the role you need to step into, and creating/running programs like this will be a new, exciting offering? What if its actually a clear, 50-degree day with tons of sunshine? What if the planning the people, the schedule, the space is seamless and flow-y and easy? Its tough to switch my brain to The Positive Outcome. Those Vampires are tough and stubborn and dont like to give up easily. I feel like, when I let myself go to that place, Im indulging myself or jinxing myself. Why is it easier to think of all the horrible things thatll happen than picturing the best outcome possible? Im still stumped on that one. But ya know what? And this is something Ive been thinking a lot about lately..the difference between me and I think, ya know, anyone that makes it happen is the fact that Im going to do it anyway. Oh sure, the life coach in me is gonna plan and troubleshoot and break things down and push away the roadblocks.but the Vampires are never gonna win with me. I just wont let them. So, bring it on Scariness. Take your What Ifs and let me see what Im so frightened of. Its only gonna help me grow, make me stronger, and keep doing things I never thought I could do (like co-create a valuable 12 week program thats unique in every way, shape and form). I got this. (You do, too. And if ya think Golden Ticket can help, claim yours before our deadline at 6pm Eastern tomorrow by clicking here. Wed be delighted to have you.)

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Guidelines For Writing a Good Resume

Guidelines For Writing a Good ResumeThere are a few important guidelines for writing a good resume. It's not that hard, it's just that most job seekers really don't follow these important guidelines.One of the most important guidelines for writing a good resume is to be brief. Don't try to cover your whole past history with your resume. Focus on the very best years of your education and the jobs you have held.You should always make sure you include key points in your resume. You don't want to simply go into an employer's face. Be specific about what you did for a company or organization. Then you should talk about some of the specific accomplishments you did that resulted in your highest position.One other important guidelines for writing a good resume is to always highlight your strengths. Don't ever let this lie. Just make sure you explain this briefly and just be sure your employer sees it.Another one of the most important guidelines for writing a good resume is to emphasize the r easons why you are a good fit for the position you are applying for. Show how you have proven yourself time again. Your employer will find this a positive thing.Another of the most important guidelines for writing a good resume is to do your research. Before you apply for any job, you need to do as much research as possible. This can be done online and offline. Make sure you understand your salary requirements, what to expect from the interview process, and what you have to do to reach your goal.These are just a few of the guidelines for writing a successful and effective resume. They may sound like common sense, but they're just common sense. These are just basic guidelines for writing a good resume.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Donald Trump Calling Alicia Machado Miss Piggy is Fat Shame

Donald Trump Calling Alicia Machado Miss Piggy is Fat Shame Weight discrimination is deeply ingrained in American culture. It’s in our advertising, which uses the skinniest models to peddle the fattiest foods. It’s in our malls, which house major chains that refuse to stock plus size clothing. It’s in our medical practices, which are rampant with outcome-obstructing weight biases. And as Donald Trump made clear this week, fat phobia is also baked into our nation’s workplaces. During Monday’s debate, Hilary Clinton accused the Republican presidential nominee of shaming former Miss Universe Alicia Machado for gaining weight â€" he allegedly called the pageant winner “Miss Piggy” shortly after she was crowned. Trump, who was a Miss Universe stakeholder when Machado competed, defended his statements the next day, telling “Fox and Friends” that she had “gained a massive amount of weight and it was a real problem.” Close Modal DialogThis is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button. Job-related weight discrimination is usually less blatant than Trump’s displayâ€"The Donald isn’t exactly known for his subtletiesâ€"but the implications are just as dangerous. As a growing body of research indicates, fat phobia can severely impact a woman’s career. Here’s what you need to know. The job search Researchers have devoted reams of paper to show how interviewers discriminate against overweight applicants. But a new study from the University of Strathclyde shows that overweight women (shock!) have it far worse than men. The results, published September 7 by the journal Plos One, found that women in the service industry are more likely than their male counterparts to experience weight-based prejudiceâ€"even if they’re not overweight. “…Women on the upper end of a normal and medically healthy BMI range face greater weight-based prejudice than men who are clearly and overtly overweight. In behind-the-scenes jobs in particular, the “heavy but healthy” women were rated lower on employability than the slimmer women, but there was no statistically significant difference between the overtly overweight men and their original faces.” Women who gain even a slight amount of weight lower their chances of landing a job, putting them at a “distinct disadvantage compared to men,” according to the study. That’s a “deeply unsettling” blow to gender equality, the researchers note. Roger that. The promotion Implicit bias keeps overweight women from advancing at the same pace as their coworkers, says Linda Bacon, PhD, a health professor at the City College of San Francisco and author of the book Body Respect. “A lot of judgments happen,” she says. “There’s this assumption that they’re lazy, they lack character or willpower.” Those assumptions are wrong, she says, but they give thinner people an advantage when it comes to promotions. “Often, when two people are in the same position, with the same experience, the thinner one gets the raise,” she says. This happens at every level. In 2013, the Wall Street Journal, using dating from the Center for Creative Leadership, reported that a high body mass index (BMI) readingâ€"which affects perception of leadership abilityâ€" can be a deterrent to the executive suite. The Wages In 2014, Vanderbilt Law School Assistant Professor Jennifer Shinall found that overweight women typically earn less than average-size women, and less than all men, regardless of weight. “A morbidly obese woman working in an occupation with an emphasis on personal interaction will earn almost 5% less than a normal-weight woman working in an occupation with exactly the same emphasis,” Shinall says in a corresponding press release. “Even after taking differences in education and socioeconomic status into account, there seems to be no scenario where being overweight becomes an advantage for a woman.” This is hardly a revelation. A 2004 Cornell University study found that when the average white woman puts on an additional 64 pounds, her wages drop 9%. Likewise, “very heavy” women earn almost $19,000 a year less than women of average weight, according to a 2010 study from the Journal of Applied Psychology. Covert discrimination Fat phobia also leads to more nuanced inequities, says Virgie Tovar, an activist and lecturer on body image and discrimination. Clothing is an obvious example. Plus-size clothes are hard to come by, especially in “professional wear.” Overweight women make less money than other groups, remember, so they’re less empowered to invest in a good wardrobe. And those who do make good money often avoid mainstream stores because the experience is catered to thin women, Tovar says. “When people don’t have access to clothing that helps them embody professionalism, it affects performance,” she says. “It reinforces the emotional process of being pushed out.” Self-perception is another detriment to the career trajectories of overweight women, Tovar adds. Like any stigmatized group, heavy women are hyper-aware of how others perceive them, and some will “opt out” of emotionally risky situations like asking for a raise or aggressively pursing projects. “This makes it harder to ascend professionally, and fuels ongoing discrimination,” she says. The takeaway Trump’s statements about women’s bodies are infuriatingâ€"that’s not debatable. But subtle weight discrimination, the kind that’s so commonplace that it’s become normalized, is just as troubling. Until American workplaces treat all bodies as equal, holding Trump to a higher standard is a bit like calling the kettle fat. “We need to think about, what is our company, our city and our country missing out on by not giving certain people a seat at the table,” Virgie says.